Twin Flames and Disruptive Energy. Healing The Union Within.
There is always what Ascension guide Lindy Cowling labeled disruptive energy with these connections. Meaning outside forces working to sabotage or destroy the Sacred Union.
Especially agents of unconsciousness, negative influence through either family, friends or people who had a romantic interest in either of the two. People who are vibrating at a lower vibrational consciousness will be super triggered by the two in sacred union, their unified field and consciousness will mirror everything these people have to work on within themselves and rather than admit it to themselves and begin the work, they start drama, in an attempt to pull the sacred union into the lower vibration of the agents of unconsciousness. If they succeed drama ensues and it often causes waves of conflict within the union. But from a higher perspective this is also in service to the union as it will make or break the twin flames and force them to mature.
Graduate beings should be able to handle simple agents of unconsciousness. And just like in the movie The Matrix, Agent Smith can possess anyone and become an instigator and potential risk to the unified field of the two in sacred union. Once an illumined twin flame, it should take a lot for you to lose your balance, give away energy and especially power.
It takes a whole lot of lucidity and presence to navigate these sacred soul to soul connections and not be affected by these infiltrators as well as the inherent risks like ancestral patterns, programs, cultural conditioning and belief systems. It's not easy and not for the faint of heart and nothing can be taken for granted or even casually surfed through. It is hard.
It is nothing like a regular relationship.
It is a process of Alchemy. Which means several processes of transmutation will have to take place, especially in regards to the above mentioned ancestral patterns, programs, cultural conditioning and belief systems. You will have to be brutally honest about what you have taken on from your bloodline and clear it, only by acknowledgement and accountability will you be able to reach spiritual maturity.
The programming you received from childhood, the cultural and societal conditioning and the belief systems, like religion and the often overlooked Love Programming.
Love programming is a parasite and will drain you dry and lead you astray and have you give your power away and sometimes even your life. It is a very toxic and underrated parasite of the soul and Hollywood and the music industry loves to install this parasite in you every chance they get.
It was said by Twin Flame Teacher Mel Brand of Gold Ray Twin Flames, that Twin Flames are graduate souls, a much more fitting label and understanding of this journey.
However they are not any less affected by the soul amnesia that comes with incarnation to the dense reality of Earth and so they have to do it all over again, graduate this plane of existence.
The tests and tribulations are many and understood by few, misunderstood by most as most ascribe dark age religious belief systems to the path that take away all spiritual accountability and thus all spiritual maturity. Their chances for graduation then becomes weak and powerless. They blame demons and entities for the darkness that comes to the surface within from their respective bloodlines and in the lack of accountability remain spiritually adolescents.
If they were to take ownership of the vast amount of shit hitting the fan, they would have a fighting chance at lucidity, but once again unconsciousness is a helluva drug and it intoxicates and deludes the Graduates into thinking they are pure, innocent, ascended already, projecting all that they are experiencing within themselves onto the other in union. This of course has catastrophic effects on the unified field shared between the two and it begins to rupture at the seams before it eventually blows up in their faces and they go back to being in a solitary unified field, no longer experiencing connection. For many, connection ends here and they continue their process deluding themselves of still being connected to this "the one" and only Twin Flame and walk down a miserable path of longing, loss of energy and power and loss of lucidity. There are many in this collective consciousness of Twin Flames that are completely lost in some romantic fantasy and refuse to let go, refuse to move on and grow up, unless they do, they will find themselves in mental illness, in obsession, stalking and harassing and joining Cult Like groups online that we have seen in the documentaries.
You know which ones I am talking about, the self-proclaimed MESSIAH and his wife.
The ones that are too lost to their unconsciousness may seem possessed, fighting deep, dark, dense heavy energy and consciousnesses and it is often accompanied by addictions, soul loss and they are often so lost, it is best to let go, save yourself and swim ashore. They will make their way into the abyss of the collective unconscious and if you stay,
you will drown with them. Their process is their process, even if you at the time share a unified field, a connection, you cannot control this process, you cannot control them, all you can do is learn to control yourself and master your lucidity. Which is more than enough for you anyways, you will have your hands full in that regard and if you should find yourself to place your focus on the other and away from the task at hand, gently bring yourself and your focus back onto your own challenges and do the work necessary for you to be a solid companion in a unified field. If you are in anyway found weak and powerless, you may lose it all as a result. Your heart will be weighed, tested of its purity and if it is not found to be true, your "eternal connection" may come to an end and unlike what the new age twin flame community will teach you in their immature teachings, you may never experience that connection again...And you will have to begin the process again, with another Graduate Soul in frequency alignment. Test yourself off...And try again.
The Goddess Maʽat is the embodiment of the Ancient Egyptian Seven Principles of Ma’at which are Truth, Balance, Order, Harmony, Righteousness, Morality, and Justice.
It was expected that the priests, Pharaohs and their families embody these principles, along with every member of the community. Life was to be lived in such a way that these principles guided all actions and relationships. One who did not live, or rule and lead, by these principles was considered unfit for the position during the times Egypt’s of greatest spiritual heights.
(Something Spiritual Teachers should consider in these times. Lack of virtue always catches up with us somehow and we receive the lesson in the end.)
These principles can and should reflect on our modern world.
Here are the definitions:
Truth – the ability to understand the difference between the real and the unreal. Of course, this is subject to the definition of reality. In this interpretation, reality is grounded in the belief of the Greatest Goodness, that which permeates all that exists, that all living creatures are sacred, and all are spiritual beings deserving of respect and honor.
Justice – the state in which there is equity for all persons, for all creatures and for the planet on which all of these rely for life. Equity means that all have equal opportunity for basic needs to be met (food, shelter, water, safety, medical care, dignity, respect, community…), to live in peace, to fully and meaningfully participate and contribute to society, to offer gifts, talents, and or essence, toward the good of the whole.
Harmony – the state of being in which different expressions of Mother Nature’s (God/Goddesses) Spirit, humans, animals, plants, etc., move together in ways that create alignment and beauty. Each expression must be authentic and express fully all that it is created to be. It is only through authenticity that harmony can truly be achieved, and occur naturally when each entity is being true to itself — to it’s spiritual reality.
Balance – a state in which the internal and external environments of an individual, or group are aligned with the Goddess, Mother Nature, one another and the rest of creation. It is the experience of existing in the place where opposites meet, the creation point, where new life is generated and new possibilities come into being.
Order – a state of being in which things are arranged in ways that are uncluttered, free of excess, clear.
Reciprocity- is the reality that what comes around, goes around. There is a motion, rhythm of cause and effect, give and take, forward and backward to every aspect of creation.
Propriety – means to be and to do what is right, according to the truth that all living creatures are spiritual beings and deserve to exist. This means to do no harm to another being, creature or aspect of the Goddess, beginning with self.
The Principles of Ma’at were an important value of the Egyptian culture. The teachings about how to live in order to find union with the gods/higher spirit, was part of the life training of the Ancient Egyptian people from infancy onward. The purpose of this union was both for the good and benefit of the individual, but even more so for the society and the world. Each person should live a life in which the principles of Ma’at were embodied externally as well as internally.
A Sacred Union and a shared Unified Field carry the same level of Spiritual Accountability that demands Spiritual Maturity. There are no exceptions to this.
The Ankh is another Egyptian symbol and concept that is important to the sacred union, especially in regards to the graduate souls very unique way of experiencing Sexuality.
We have all heard of TWIN FLAME SEX and how Twin Flames get down like nobody's business, but that as well comes through a lot of hard work and transmutation as Graduate Souls more often than not, have Sexual Traumas and often Childhood sexual abuse to heal from. They are always guided by higher self in this regard and will find healing herbs, healing modalities and AUTHENTIC Twin Flame healers that have already done the work and knows how to assist them. I myself have both experienced this trauma, as well as healing from it and assisting others in their healing process. We seem to also align with one another from trauma in the twin flame collective so to speak. We find the others who are healing the same traumas, which is a blessing on this very challenging journey of awakening. A secret I will share with you is that The Ankh is upside down, if you put the bottoms of your feet together you create a circuit which will bring the energy back up around and store the energy in the unified field, this is a solo tantra practice that came to me in my own healing. There are other ways to Anchor the energy as well, they will come to you when it is time. The secrets have a tendency to reveal themselves to us when we are ready. Much like when the student is ready the teacher appears.
To conclude this little look into the many and vast challenges of True Twin Flames...
The unconsciousness or The narcissism in the bloodline, in culture, working through the many, many agents of unconsciousness is no match for the soul, this you must know. However, if the soul self is lost beneath the many dysfunctional patterns, programs and templates, there is nothing you can do, but step aside, allow them to awaken in their own time. As you will awaken in your own...
Sometimes this can take years, in rare cases even decades or for some...Even a lifetime. Most mortals on this planet enter their deathbed, never having scraped the surface of accountability or their own inherit Narcissism. I had a client once that had been waiting for 20 years for her "Twin Flame" to awaken, only to not fully awaken all of herself and remember what she came here for. Her toxic Love Programming had gotten the better of her and she lost two whole decades to waiting and longing, when she could have learned about love through letting go and loving herself and hopefully another, but in her Divine Obsession she refused to let go.
That is why I never recommend someone to wait for the other to awaken, but rather awaken all of the self and focus on the self entirely. To live their life to the fullest and grow up and mature and grow into healthy partnerships. It is your only hope to EVER truly graduate yourself.
- Ulf Haukenes
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This is great work! Doing things different than my born-into fam seems like a personal attack to them sometimes. I/we and our kids trigger the bageebez out of my fam. His fam doesn’t have an opinion on anything whereas mine is overly opinionated about us and our decisions for our own family… And here we are, finding our own way anyway. I also love sitting in that position you mentioned, even as a kid so it makes sense. Anywho, thanks for sharing and for the opportunity for reflection. Socials are dry AF with good content these days! 🙏
Aho brother 🧬🔥