Twin Flames Alchemy - Hieros Gamos - The Union WIthin
Twin flames are the most misunderstood and misinterpreted spiritual experience and label of the spiritual community. Everyone has their own take on it, depending on indoctrination, belief systems and wounding.
Once the true twin flames begin to truly heal they will come to love their journey and how they are growing and maturing as life is becoming better and better with every day. True joy awaits on the other side of the runner and chaser dynamics, divine union is what you are after all and union starts with self. Once we come into union with self everything changes and nothing is ever the same again. In union with self we find immense connectivity to higher self and source, our creativity blossoms and we find peace, joy and harmony in our solitude and no longer feel such an overwhelming need for another to complete us, or love us. We are content with all we are and our life and the limitless potential we feel from the zero point energy, We now trust source, higher self and above all life and love and other even higher sensations than love to be our natural state of being, something we simply tune into by slowing down and centering ourselves.
We have come to understand that we are in a process of alchemy and we use our mind, body and spirit as a laboratory. We have stopped resisting the process and we have begun to do the work, what the ancient alchemists called the Great Work or Magnum Opus,
Which is an alchemical term for the process of working with the prima materia to create the philosopher's stone.This involves spiritual transformation, the shedding of impurities, the joining of opposites, and the refinement of materials. To create gold from lead,
and lead being our programs, patterns, addictions, habits and belief systems etc.
The Gold being our true self, our authentic expression of soul, free to simply be,
all that we were ever meant to be, free of everything that ever held us back.
And yet, once we achieve illumination, we enter the process of refinement again,
as alchemy is eternal as depicted by the ouroboros.
The Ouroboros is a Greek word meaning "tail devourer," and is one of the oldest mystical symbols in the world. It can be perceived as enveloping itself, where the past (the tail) appears to disappear but really moves into an inner domain or reality, vanishing from view but still existing.
Ouroboros, emblematic serpent of ancient Egypt and Greece represented with its tail in its mouth, continually devouring itself and being reborn from itself.
A gnostic and alchemical symbol, Ouroboros expresses the unity of all things, material and spiritual, which never disappear but perpetually change form in an eternal cycle of destruction and re-creation.
In Norse Mythology you will find the midgard serpent, Jörmungandr often depicted eating its own tail, alchemy is hidden in plain sight within all mythology and religion.
Once we awaken more we come to find the gods are all archetypes of consciousness that can be embodied by mankind, they all hold keys to understanding the self.
C.G. Jung speaks more about this in his work if you are interested in learning more about the psychology of archetypes and how they can help us understand ourselves on a deeper level.
We have to embody the all father and all mother within in order to become sovereign. We no longer need a parent in the sky to turn to when we lose faith, we have become our own Sky Daddy or Sky Mommy and now embody the divine parent,
we no longer believe in heaven or hell as actual places, but states of being that we ourselves have experienced. WE do no longer fear death or the afterlife.
We know there is no death. WE know there is no past, no future and all is now.
We understand that we exist in multiple dimensions as multi dimensional beings,
we know we exist in infinite realities, on infinite timelines simultaneously and we can never die, because what is cannot not be as consciousness is energy and energy never dies.
This is true spiritual sovereignty. This is spiritual maturity.
WE are now no longer programmed with "The Hungry Ghost" romantic template of our popular culture, to understand what I mean simply listen to every love song ever written, "I can't live without you", This is a very toxic programming kept alive by the movie and music industry to make money from wounded people.
When we begin to heal those deep wounds that long and pine for another, our understanding of love changes, we mature and our love becomes more mature.
the belief systems about love changes, the belief systems about god(s) change as we form a direct communication with source intelligence and source creative energy.
We have become spiritually mature.
We have become the parents we always needed. And this one is important...
We have become conscious co-creators of our reality. Living by design.
Living out our divine blueprint.
How this happens we will look closer at with the understanding of alchemy.
So we will use terminology from the ancient arts of alchemy,
as Twin Flames are by my experience and understanding, the living blueprint for alchemy.
There are 7 stages in alchemy that we progress through.
We burn to ash, we see what we are made of, we have a deep realization of how we are co-creating our lives unconsciously, we recognize our faults and what needs work.
WE dissolve the parts of self we no longer wish to carry with us as we realize they are no longer working for us, we engage with our faults and change the self.
We find ourselves longing to be alone as we heal and release what has been healed,
filtering out our essence and true self from the wounded self.
We experience the union of opposites, the hieros gamos, alcemical wedding.
We begin to form the new self, a balanced and integrated self.
We experience another initiation and breakdown to breakthrough, as the old self begins to die and the new self is integrated.
Finding our passions and becoming spiritual beacons with souls on fire.
We have now learned to turn inwards and be accountable and process our emotions.
The emotional body and inner child no longer rules the personality.
The alchemists is now becoming whole again, with both hemispheres of masculine and feminine principles in balance. The true self appears and is solidified.
The process of alchemy is complete and it all begins again...
Only this time, the alchemist has all the tools necessary to navigate the process.
Visita Interiora Terræ Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem
“Visit the earth’s interior and rectifying you will find the hidden stone”
or “Look inwards and you will discover the divine self”
Not only are the twin flames themselves initiated with Kundalini Awakening and Divine Connection, They hold the template for others to be initiated, as they can activate the kundalini in others. They are what I call The Living Blueprint Of Alchemy, anyone who comes into contact with a Graduate Soul or twin flame, is forever altered, this is why they make exceptional healers once they have healed the inner child, no longer a cause for self sabotage. behavioral patterns passed down the bloodline dissolves and they are free of the "curses" their ancestors have carried for generations. They are the ones to break the cycles and heal the bloodlines. As a result they are very capable of leading others through the process of alchemy and you will often find them being in service to others in this way no matter their professional occupation, it is simply their blueprint.
Twin Flames are the living blueprint of alchemy.
They will ALWAYS be in a process of becoming,
They will always burn to ashes like the phoenix,
only to rise from the ashes a new being,
a better version of themselves.
they grow wiser and more mature as they understand their process and shed more and more layers of what is not true to self, crystalizing their whole being, mind, body and spirit.
The Graduate Soul is in Union With Self carrying out Soul Mission living in their divine blueprint. That is the ultimate goal of a twin flame, not the romantic new age version you read about on the internet, as my mentor Mel BRand said, "if you don't feel a pull towards service to others, than you are most likely not a twin flame."
It is in their blueprint and eventually the blueprint will reveal itself as something innate in the person that is blossoming to life and the graduate soul has no other choice than to follow the deep calling from within. The twin flame mission as it were, the collective mission has been completed, the template has been set and its effects are spreading through the collective much like a virus, as consciousness is infectious after all.
Humanity will experience an upgrade from how they perceive and experience love and relationships, from the all too common, yet very wounded dependent relationship and even toxic,violent relationships, to the more illusive emotionally mature partnerships and the wide sought-after and still very rare spiritually accountable sacred unions.
Due to the shift in how we experience love and relationships as a species, our collective consciousness is evolving and humanity will go from being spiritually adolescent to being spiritually mature, spiritually accountable and living in their blueprint.
Once the entire planet is living in their blueprint I believe we will no longer experience depression, or suicide, as people will be living true to themselves, true to who they are as a soul, nobody will be selling their souls for money. Disease and lifestyle related illnesses would most likely go down as well. That is the power of living in the divine blueprint.
That is the power of living by divine design, in harmony with the soul self and creation.
Veram Medicinam “This is the true medicine”
This is the real reason why the twin flames came to earth in the first place, not to be in a relationship. They came to change the template of love and relationships and walk the earth as living blueprints of alchemy, templating people with a fully operational 12 chakra system, fully operational meridian system, fully connected to the higher self.
An etheric template transfers from person to person, not only direct, physical contact, but also calls, videocalls and recorded soul signatures can transfer an etheric template through frequency alone. This is often expressed in the graduate beings expression of art, you can hear it in their voice when they speak, something happens to the energy body.
You can especially hear it in their music and singing/toning/chanting etc.
It can activate a person to hear another person of same or similar soul signature.
So much of our frequency is carried in our voice, our energy.
The "twin flame" or graduate beings energy is different due to having a fully activated and operational 12 chakra system, whereas most people in the collective still have yet to awaken the 7 chakra system from its dormancy. So many are still operating from the lower 3 chakras, basic primal needs and it is quite apparent in the news of the world.
This can of course clearly be felt in an activated graduate being or twin flame if you will, They simply feel different, they feel good to be around for others, some will be triggered and react, as things come up for them in a graduate souls presence. Alchemy happens...
they have a healing presence about them, yet they themselves feel best when alone or with their divine partner, often being hermits together, moving through the process.
The process of alchemy never ends, so the twin flames had better get used to being in process, maybe even learn to love it and thrive on always being in process.
You are indeed as they say your own twin flame and anyone else who shows up in your holographic reality are simply an external representation of the inner twin.
Let them go and focus on your own alchemy and making gold out of your lead.
Anything that is not healed will come up to sabotage your union. And once in Union, everything that was healed alone will need to be healed again together as well,
as the other amplifies everything and the intensity increases.
A Twin Flame or Soul to Soul connection is Not for the faint of heart.
Certainly not what most "twin flames" online seem to make it out to be.
They talk a lot about outdated belief systems such as Karma and they all seem to love to nurture each others obsession, toxic behaviors and patterns, like cheating, stalking and other tendencies that lend towards the personality disorder spectrum.
Anyone who challenges the twin flame belief system or their perception, needs to be removed, blocked and silenced, they only surround themselves with people who validate their belief systems, no matter how wrong, toxic and harmful they may be.
Spiritual maturity is at an all-time low in many of these communities.
Becoming spiritually mature in such a crowd is not only challenging, but down right almost impossible as you become like the company you keep. Consciousness is like I said infectious. So be mindful of your interactions, your intent, your communication, your manifestation of reality, as you create every word you speak. Many in these groups are in fact creating self fulfilling prophecies as they have yet to learn to control their thoughts and feelings. They have yet to challenge their belief systems and perception of reality.
Many will eventually mature out of the twin flame belief system and the generic twin flame experience that goes along with the typical twin flame belief system and experience entirely unique and different twin flame experiences than what the collective and their communities holding on to the old paradigm of twin flames with an iron fist are experiencing. We will experience what we believe, as belief systems shape reality.
The twin flame experience is evolving as the twin flames are at the forefront of evolution due to the templates they carry within their etheric body and energetic make up.
Twin Flames as it is understood by the many now, will not be the same in a few years,
the label itself will no longer carry any meaning to those who truly understand what multi-dimensionality is and how it affects us and the soul to soul connection,
there is after all, more than one twin, multi-dimensionally speaking.
To make that crystal clear to those who are ready to hear that,
A twin flame can manifest in many multidimensional avatars in many dimensions, timelines and realities, one soul in many bodies, even on the same timeline,
just like many of you experienced being two of the same soul on the same timeline,
you will experience many bodies having the same energy, same frequency,
same consciousness, same higher self.
If you also understand time as cyclical and spiraling, rather than linear, meaning there is no past, there is no future, there is only now. and NOW. NOW. it is still NOW...
And in this eternal now exists all of time, all of space, within this now,
the present, the past and the future are all happening now,
within this zero point is access to all expressions and avatars of the same soul.
With this level of consciousness one could even be an "incarnation" of someone who has yet to die, at this level of consciousness one escapes the wheel of reincarnation and it's the end of karma, the lords of karma and the many entities of the new age doctrines.
After having looked beyond the firmament as mentioned in the bible and other texts of alchemy, I have let go of most belief systems of the spiritual community, only two remain with me as tools for my ongoing spiritual awakening, The Toltec teachings and the ancient arts of alchemy, the "twin flame" changed into the living blueprint of alchemy.
To understand alchemy as a "twin flame" has made everything easier for not only me,
but many of my clients who have committed to doing the work.
Studying alchemy and its symbolism lead me past the firmament and into cosmic consciousness, I am not sure I would have made it there without the alchemists that came before me, the art alone is something one should meditate on its meanings,
so much wisdom is hidden in plain sight in the symbols, so many secrets to uncover...
Do you know where in the process you are?
What stage of the alchemy are you in now?
What can you expect next in this process?
What are you doing that is helping you?
Feel free to comment below,
we would love to hear how you experience the process.
If you need help with your process of alchemy, feel free to write us
and schedule a session today, we would love to be of service to you.