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The Ultimate Spiritual Experience is Lucidity Not Love

True Spiritual Freedom Comes From Within Not From A Teacher. This is the age of the end of Gurus, it is time to become your own Guru.
In order to do that, you have to connect with your higher self, your own divine intelligence, your stream of consciousness in silent meditation. As my mentor Mel Brand said, Guided meditations are for the spiritually immature and he was right, you will not find your power until you turn off all the noise and distractions and go within to connect deeply. We are all seeking connection. To someone, to ourselves, To higher self, To God, To the universe, To source intelligence, however we label the divine from culture and conditioning. we all want to feel free, sovereign, connected...Abundant and aligned. Like we belong to something greater than ourselves, That there is a purpose to our existence beyond life. But sometimes the labels, the definitions, the belief systems especially, shape our perception of reality in such a way that the very thing we want to feel or experience, is pushed farther away from us each and every step we take closer towards it. Because our beliefs and their accompanying vibrations and frequencies brings us out of alignment with the things we wish to experience.
Our belief systems shape our experiences. Meaning, if we have a set of beliefs surrounding a person, a thing, an event, your experience of that person, thing and event will change due to your beliefs about them. It is the same for your perception of consensus reality.
A shaman knows consensus reality is not real. Culture is not real. Consensus reality is in truth a consensus insanity. A psychosis shared by the many, growing more and more insane as each day passes.

It is artificial. This includes spiritual culture. Religion. New age beliefs that are like a religion. By new age I mean the machine that pumps out spiritual books, tarot cards, DVD's, Events and so on. They are creating a consensus spiritual understanding, a structure, a set of beliefs that they have agreed upon as truth and reality and they all experience the same things. They get validated about their beliefs through one another. And their beliefs get strengthened by their experience. But should anyone of them change their beliefs, then their experience would change as well. Believing is seeing. Not the other way around. Our global spiritual community will evolve in this way in the coming years, many will let go off these ideas, concepts, doctrines and belief systems and the collective consensus of spirituality and spiritual experience will be redefined, restructured and as a collective we will come out of spiritual adolescence (out of lessons) and into spiritual adulthood, spiritual maturity and it will only happen through spiritual accountability.

Spiritual maturity can be felt. Energetically, it can be felt.
Their behavior as well as their belief systems will reveal them.
How someone conducts themselves will reveal their level of spiritual maturity. Are they being respectful, even if they disagree? Are they being mature in their handling of life? What and Who they believe in also, will reveal their level of spiritual maturity. Someone spiritually mature will not be easily fooled by masks.
And most of the spiritual community is not ready yet to let go off the beliefs that keep them in spiritual adolescence. As they are the very beliefs that unify them and helps them feel connected, feel like they belong and that they understand their reality. It is comfortable.
It is safe. It is the known. The unknown is scary. Best to be avoided all together and isolate, mock or lock away anyone who dares go there.

As most of you know, I am here to disturb the comfortable and comfort the disturbed. Our spiritual culture is no less a matrix and boxes within boxes than our society, our culture and religion itself.
THIS is something you MUST understand if you are to truly become lucid. You have to end a lot of your expensive subscriptions to most of your precious belief systems to get there. Lucidity and sovereignty go hand in hand, so devotion and worship is out of the question. Cosmic Consciousness does not subscribe to the Planetary Beliefs. This is another very hard pill to swallow for the many, your spiritual sandbox toys cannot come along into Cosmic Consciousness, one cancels out the other, someone full of planetary consciousness and it's accompanying belief systems cannot achieve cosmic consciousness until they let go of these belief systems, they are like anchors that hold them down in 3D consciousness and it's a takes one to know one type of deal, you can recognize someone in Cosmic Consciousness if you yourself are in Cosmic Consciousness, but someone who is in Planetary Consciousness can be fooled time and time again to believe in FALSE LIGHT and that is why the Spiritual Community is RIPE with charlatans and frauds, many of them even unaware of their fraudulent nature as they themselves have a belief system that they are in fact what they present themselves as, but anyone who is in Cosmic Consciousness can clearly see that this person is full of shit. This is where it begins to be FUN on the spiritual path and very hard to be fooled by glitter and glam. These days I just take one whiff at a Player in the community and I can smell their inauthenticity and their Planetary Consciousness, many of them dripping with bullshit belief systems, spiritual immaturity and in some cases downright Schizophrenia and they are a danger to anyone who subscribes to their channel and their belief systems.
There will come a time when these people will not be seen as gifted by the spiritual community, but seen for the very inflamed mental bodies they have with an imaginative faculty producing nothing but Vitriol and bile, but these days people still love that shit like they pray to ride a unicorn one day. As you can tell, I am not a fan of the New Age machine.

A belief system is like a trap you don't know you are in until you get out.

The spiritual community is full off these belief systems that trap you, many of them are in fact even created as Psy-Ops in order to keep people from reaching cosmic consciousness.
An example of this would be Flat Earth, just one of many belief systems that keep us in planetary consciousness and in spiritual adolescence, just watch how mature their MVP's conduct themselves against anyone who opposes or challenges their perception and beliefs, just sit back and watch the train wreck that is their composure as it unfolds. The same could be said for the idea of "The One" or Twin Flames and these communities, I don't have count of how many of these online cliques and bullies I have been attacked by when presenting my rather unique take on this multidimensional soul to soul connection,
you as my reader or clients sure would know why.
So much time and energy has been put into these two Psy-ops especially by many most valuable players, Amazing and brilliant truth seekers or Light warriors that could have otherwise had a severe impact on the collective consciousness and it is not the only belief systems to hijack valuable players.
You could say all in divine order? Everything happens for a reason?
To a certain extent, yes there is divine design.
But there is also it's opposite expression, Divine Chaos.
Something happening for no reason at all except for the meaning you assign to it, through your chosen set of belief systems.
Chaos and Order, one in the other, like yin and yang.
One cannot exist without the other. Be mindful of your beliefs.
I see a lot of healers using this divine order belief to retraumatize their clients, as if they were molested as a child for a reason or that their child died for a divine reason and they will come to realize it once they awaken as much as their "healer" or "teacher", if you ask me,
a lot of people actually should not be teachers or healers at all,
as they are infested with spiritually immature belief systems.
Many of us identify with being System Busters, we enter certain establishments, doctrines, belief systems and so on and see the flaws in the system, once we see the Glitch in the matrix, our experience and sometimes even reality starts to unravel due to our perception being altered, this is what happens with psychedelics for example. This is what happens when we have those A-ha moments that alter the way we experience life and the universe. We see a key that opens a door of perception and we are forever changed.

This is when authentic change happens. True and lasting change.
I entered the spiritual community in 2010, by 2012 I had took on a bunch of belief systems. Endless doctrines and my reality and spiritual experience of life quickly became a product of the new age machine, with the karma, the oneness, all the angels, arch angels and ascended masters and the Twin Flame belief system as well... of course.
By 2015 I had let go off most all of these belief systems, by chewing on things, questioning things and not settling for the absolute divine truth known as the new age belief system. The oneness is dangerous, the twin flame belief system equally so, they attract very wounded people (such as myself at the time) and the mental illness and substance abuse within the spiritual community adds fuel to the fire when it comes to delusions and sustaining the mental illness. And the mentally ill seek out other mentally ill to be validated about not being mentally ill and the new age machine makes another billion on crystals, tarot cards, books, seminars, events etc.
There are all these beings we are programmed to believe in.
To not question. Not oppose.
I always question everything. Every-thing...All the Time.
I believe a healthy skepticism is needed. I have a little tip for you that catapulted my evolution and spiritual maturing process.
If you want to fast-track your evolution...

Find what triggers you and work on breathing through the trigger.
Don't seek out those you resonate with, you will learn nothing.
Seek out those who trigger you, those who challenge your beliefs,
they are your savior and the trigger is a key to your liberation.

Like in Joseph Campbell's "the Hero's Journey" and as one of my favorite teachers in the global spiritual community Mark Cloudfoot Gershon says, "We have to walk through true insanity on our path to true sanity", it is as the saying goes, the path to heaven goes through hell, refering to the Nigredo stage of alchemy, the blackening, the calcination and dissolution...Which has been covered multiple times in previous articles, I strongly suggest you go back to some of the earliest articles on Alchemy to begin diving deeper into your own process. In short, The Nigredo, The initiation that often comes from a health crisis, a near death experience, a catalyst event, a death, a deep soul loss, an unrequited love, a soul to soul connection ending...
Something happens to the person that has them entering into a metamorphosis, an often painful transition, with lots of challenges and obstacles to overcome and master, which leads them to become a new version of themselves, they have been transformed. They transmuted their spiritual lead into spiritual gold. But to get to the proverbial spiritual gold so to speak, we have to know what we need to do in order to transmute our lead, what is our lead?
The lead is anything that is in our unconscious and subconscious mind.
unhealed thought patterns that gives us a heavy mind and energy.
It is anything we have yet to master in our lives.
All of our culture conditioning, all of our beliefs.
The gold is the wisdom that comes from the illumination of letting go off these beliefs, the realizations that lead us to find harmony within.
In truth, it is the gift that keeps on giving...The curse that became a blessing through a deep examination and exploration of the self.
Leaving you to discover your authentic expression of self. The true self is the absolute highest expression of spirituality available to us, absolute authenticity, to be yourself completely free of illusions about yourself, free of your fawning, people pleasing, programs, patterns and others restraints, ideas and expectations of you. Free of culture.

Often times it is not only one event, but an entire life of trauma that lead someone to become a healer, a master of the self, an author, a teacher,
a guide on the path of heart that help others who are on the same path of the dark night of the soul, onto a path of illumination. The path towards lucidity is not for those who seek to belong to the crowd, to fit in with the many in the spiritual community. Most want to belong, to fit in, to share beliefs with their friends and they are afraid to call themselves and especially their friends out on their bullshit. So they stay in this prison they have created for themselves, playing a role, a character that needs to be upheld in order to be allowed admission into the clique of relevant players. If you were lucid,
you would not give a fuck, you would be happy to burst someone's bubble and help them see clearly, so they could stop deluding themselves, so they can get off the hamster wheel and get their shit together, it would be an act of service, a gift of freedom.

Most of the spiritual community is in a cult.
A fluffy love cult that has no room for genuine thinking, critique, questioning of beliefs or system busting, yet they would all love to claim and name themselves Pleiadean, which if they truly knew what it means to have a multidimensional expression as a Pleiadean Avatar, they would be busting every one of those Planetary Consciousness belief systems they so dearly cling to for hard life, for some kind of redemption or sense of divinity, especially the belief surrounding Love being the highest vibration and consciousness, as to someone Lucid, it is absolute sentimental dribble. A choice to be passive, weak and powerless.
It's like being the only sober person in a bar actually, but they will never know how intoxicated they look to our lucid eyes, as they are Love drunk. Lucidity is the highest expression of enlightenment available to us. Not Love as the new age machine will have you believe.
Love and Bliss intoxicates and we get love drunk, we lose our sobriety to our belief systems surrounding Love, especially if it is accompanied by Oneness and Unity, this whole Kumbaya Hippie-esque peace, love and unity, chanting devotional mantras to some imaginary deity and devote our entire existence to the worship of the God of compassion, the Goddess of love, or Sophia the goddess of wisdom or whatever Deity, or in fact, drug of choice. The result is the same, addicted to a spiritual fix from some Guru, or from the you tube spiritual videos, giving away your power to anything or anyone that can make you feel good about yourself if only for a second. Few of them teaching you how to become your own Guru, or becoming spiritually sovereign of some sort, it all is about followers, devotees, apprentices, students and worshippers and they all give their power away willingly and the price they pay is devastating as this planet is not your ordinary planet, if you do not achieve Cosmic Consciousness in this manifestation of your soul, your Planetary Consciousness and it's accompanying beliefs may very well pull you back into the Saturnalian Reincarnation Wheel, or Soul Eater and your return to source upon your time of death may be postponed for even another lifetime, until you do achieve Cosmic Consciousness, that is, if you believe in such things. I for one do know, you are not and will not ever be truly free in your thinking, being and experience of this incarnation until you do achieve Cosmic Consciousness, as Planetary Consciousness is truly a Prison for the mind and for the soul. As one of my favorite Toltec Teachers, Anaam from Nagual Zone always says, "WALK IN FREEDOM MY FRIENDS"....May YOU Walk In Freedom. - Ulf Haukenes

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14 kwi 2023
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May We Walk In Freedom! Ulf, your words; and your message, while absolutely new to me; feel like something I've forgotten. As I read this article (and others of yours); rather than the concept of Lucidity being the highest form of enlightenment feeling like something I needed to be TAUGHT, my inner voice was saying "oh, yeah; that's right. I remember now.".I've had this sensation while watching two of your live teachings also. Unlike receiving a download; if you will; it's more akin to tuning into a previously unavailable station on the radio that's playing songs I haven't heard in forever, but I know the melody. It's profound for me.

I am increasingly grateful to you for sharing your wisdom…


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