The Spiritual War On Men (And how to win it!)
As I mentioned in my previous article, men, women and children are being waged war on and the battlefield is our mind,body and spirit.
I covered the females first, because the war on females affects the family unit the most as they are the heart of the family unit, but men are the spine and the protection and without them both in balance and lucidity the family unit will be weak and easily destroyed.
The predators of this world, which are countless arenas, can then feast on the disaster that ensues and make prey of mother and child, but also the father. They will all become victims of our toxic society in various ways and the cycles of trauma be allowed to continue and the societal machinery gets oiled with their blood to the detriment of the family.
As Terrence McKenna said "Culture is not your friend". We were all lost in popular culture ss children, even before we hit puberty and celebrity culture with toxic role models and alcohol, sex, drugs and rock and roll culture or hip hop culture shaped and programmed us into easily susceptible herds of sheep, no matter how clever we thought we were, we became victims of self-sabotage and self destruction, with the many addictions to choose from to feed the parasite that is culture.
Men are programmed to become womanizing sex addicts through not only porn, but music, movies and toxic fathers and father figures, with often pedophile tendencies due to teen porn, barely legal girl next door fantasies that are part of the taboos that tantalize men for decades, thanks to Playboy and Penthouse,
maybe it is even older than that, part of the wounded masculine programming.
This obsession with sex mostly targeting males is meant to create weak men, drained of lifeforce and incapable of creating and maintaining healthy relationships with females.
Porn addiction is more prevalent than ever and it affects males in a way that it does not affect females, as the female body is cyclical and rechargeable once a month, they do not lose vitality and jing chi in the same way a man loses his lifeforce. An epidemic of men with erectile dysfunction due to unrealistic expectations as well as the endocrine disruptors in everything from food, drinks, medicine to the water and air.
This is by design from all of the many industries that profit from it.
Sex sells. If they can keep a whole culture focused upon sex and how to obtain it, they will be able to create a whole machine around it to sustain themselves, same with drugs, alcohol, food-like products, fashion etc.
It's all about making you a consumer that is occupied by getting your next fix.
Beer is men's worst enemy, estrogen loaded and hormonally disruptive in order to feminize men and make them emotional, fat and weaken the masculine core in men. I love a good beer myself, but I am no longer consuming copious amounts as I know the risks involved and it is simply not worth it.
Apart from the obvious effect alcohol has on the family unit, the violence that occurs as a direct result of alcohol intoxication and weakened masculinity, it is also a depressant and the reason for a lot of mental health problems and neurological disorders.
And they weave in sex in order to sell more,
I remember seeing Guns and Roses back cover photo from their album appetite for destruction and all I wanted was a Miller,
nothing said successful rock star like bottles of alcohol, fuming cigarettes and half naked Girls.
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