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Awakening Cosmic Christ Consciousness

Achieving Cosmic Consciousness or Christ Consciousness, Krishna Consciousness means realizing that we are the cosmic mind, we are God mind and there is no separation. As long as we see God as something separate, as an entity or as a being rather than an energy, Source Creative Energy, we cannot achieve and keep this awareness as our own. This is the basis for all spiritual immaturity and even mental illness in our world and the spiritual community at large, as a collective we will not evolve until we realize this.

The problem is we created God in our own image, we made God into Sky Daddy and in the latest years Sky Mommy has been on the rise. But God is neither man or woman; nor is God a being at all whatsoever, God is a consciousness, an energy that permeates everything, all sentient beings; even the rock knows how to be a rock because of source creative energy, the atoms in the rock kept in place by a structure, a consciousness and it is coming to this awareness and perception of reality that will have us see everything as divine, ourselves, the animals, the trees, the mountain, the rivers, the ocean. This is shamanic awareness, this is true cosmic consciousness.

Human beings love giving away their sovereignty, their power to other beings, even other human beings and we see this in our society by people giving away the authority of the body to their doctor, the state and they lost their health and their autonomy in the process. It is no difference in giving our power away to false idols, to our chosen deity or to our governments and health care systems parading in their tyranny as we lose our power and even our humanity.

But I am not here today to remind you of earthly matters and how they are anchoring you deeper into planetary consciousness; I am here to liberate your consciousness as I open the door to true cosmic consciousness where you will find sovereignty and freedom from the man made anchors that keep us from liberation into the everlasting cosmic consciousness. So we will take a step past the firmament as even mentioned in the Bible, past the planetary consciousness and into cosmic consciousness, by the examining the belief systems that keep us hostage and imprisoned.

The Flammarion engraving is a wood engraving by an unknown artist that first appeared in Camille Flammarion's L'atmosphère: météorologie populaire (1888). The image depicts a man crawling under the edge of the sky, depicted as if it were a solid hemisphere, to look at the mysterious Empyrean beyond. The caption translates to "A medieval missionary tells that he has found the point where heaven and Earth meet..."

As we step out of the firmament and look back at the earth and planetary consciousness,

we discover how our reality is mostly fictitious, our borders are not real, they were made by man, our countries, our laws, our religions, our entire popular culture is made and upheld by a collective consensus to agree upon a set of rules, ideas and belief systems and making them real, this includes of course the latest pandemic with a 98.6% survival rate according to scientific statistics. As John Lennon sang, "Nothing is real and nothing to get hung about", reality is a matter of perception and indoctrination.

If God as we know it was made by man and in mans image, so we come to find that the angels; the archangels; the ascended masters were all also made in mans image and they are all figments of the collective imagination and part of the collective mental illness.

Most are so attached to these belief systems like a hostage with stockholm syndrome, that they stay trapped by their faith, their beliefs and they will fight and even die to defend their prison of mind.

As shamans we come to understand this when we see the dream of the world for what it is as opposed to the dream of the planet, which is the organic earth free of all our synthetic various cultures, including popular culture, even anti-cultures , the drug culture and our belief systems, politics, religion, borders, and the rest of the false matrix. And as alchemists we come to realize these things once we walk past the firmament, which are essentially two different ways of describing the same thing, now we know it as freeing ourselves from the matrix, thanks to the popular movie "The Matrix" which is literally and metaphorically a hero's journey about true spiritual awakening into cosmic consciousness, some will even go as far as saying The Matrix was a documentary, as our society is so full of programming it is a fight for our consciousness to become lucid.

Anyone who has truly ever experienced an awakening or a lucid moment can relate 100% to how hard it is to awaken, to keep awakening and remain awakened and lucid in a world and society that depends on our indoctrination, our willingness to follow orders.

Just like The agents in the matrix can enter anyone within the matrix and take them over, so it is for unconsciousness and indoctrination, anyone in our world can become an agent of unconsciousness and pull you back into the matrix and planetary consciousness with their programming, patterning, unconscious behaviors, addictions and habits.

Anyone can be the agent Smith in your life, your family, friends and colleagues.

Anyone can be an agent of unconsciousness, be sure you are not one to the people you love, observe yourself as much as you observe your surroundings in order to stay lucid,

be open to questioning not everything else, but also to be questioned and work on being a better person, free of gossip, narcissistic triangulation and dysfunctional patterns.

Just like Agent Smith in the Matrix, agents of unconsciousness multiplies in numbers, we see this especially now with the mob mentality of the vaccinated versus the unvaccinated, where agents of unconsciousness will bully and coerce people to give up their own ethics, morals, convictions and comply to the consensus narrative and vaccinate themselves.

It could also be a missionary, a Jehova's witness or even a vegan working to convert other people to their belief systems, it is all the same in the eyes of an awakened person.

Agent Smith is like a virus in the Matrix, as is unconsciousness, as all consciousness is contagious, we become like the company we keep. If you are serious about becoming lucid and remaining lucid, then I recommend you don't have people around you that you do not wish to be like, keep people around you that lift you up, that are good for you. It is better to be alone, then to give up on ourselves and abandon our lucidity in favor of company. Misery loves company, source connection requires solitude and silence.

This is why sentimentality and nostalgia is not our friends, just like culture they will pull us in and have us giving up our divine blueprint, our true selves and our dreams and be dragged into a nightmare of attachments, dreaming someone else's dreams for them.

Like when we are working for a company, we work to realize the dream of our boss,

making their vision a reality for them and giving up on our vision and dream. Only by becoming self-made men, only by working to realize our own dreams are we free and truly living in our blueprint. This is why the healing work I do for my clients, is based around removing programming, patterning and the layers that make up their false self, anything standing in way of their authenticity, as their authenticity is the key that will open the door to their divine blueprint and their divine blueprint the key to living out their visions and dreams. It all begins with being our true self, who we really are.

This is why society is full of billboards, ads and commercials selling a certain lifestyle, this includes your favorite rappers, singers and influencers, they get paid for selling you the american dream which is truly a drug-induced nightmare at this point. These gangster rappers selling you a dream that will have you on drugs and eventually in prison. These pedophile rockstars and movie stars that take advantage of young boys and girls in their mid-teens, back stage and behind the scenes. Popular culture is a cancer on the soul. Our society wants to keep us on stimulants, intoxicated, depressed, in debt, they wish to keep us in fear, so that we will keep dreaming their dreams into being with them. If everyone lived in their divine blueprint, doing what they love and becoming self-made, self realized beings making money from their passions, society as we know it would collapse. If you want to be truly free and a completely sovereign being begin by slowly creating your own channel of income from your passions, from your innate talents.

We all have them, we all have something we are innately excellent at and that is the key to living in our blueprint. This is the true secret of the elite and famous.

Eventually you will generate enough clients and money to quit your job and be your own boss, this is how we can truly become happy and free. If you work doing what you love, you will not work a day in your life, you will play and enjoy every moment of every day.

True Cosmic Christ Consciousness is authenticity, living by your divine design.

This is how not even psychedelic spirituality will set you free in the long run and how many in the spiritual community are deluding themselves about how awakened they are.

If you are an addict you are prisoner to a substance, a planetary substance, that keeps you locked into planetary consciousness with addiction, as your thoughts, time and energy are fixed on your addictions, on getting funds to feed your addictions. On your next fix.

It is the same for workaholics who are fixed on their finances. Earthly matters and worries will keep you in planetary consciousness, Cosmic consciousness does not fear or think in lack, It knows the universe is abundant and overflowing with enough for all of us. Cosmic Consciousness takes accountability and co-creative action towards how their life is created. Cosmic consciousness does not blame God, their parents, society or anyone for how their life is lacking in any way, through accountability they change themselves for the better, they heal their addictions, change their habits, question their belief systems and free themselves of anything that disempowers and imprisons them, they no longer live in shame, guilt or fear, they live empowered, in loving service to all that is.

I can instantly feel where someone are in their spiritual evolution by what they give their power away to and few have truly come out of the spiritual sandbox to dabble in spiritual adolescence and even spiritual maturity, most hold on to what keeps them spiritually immature with what can only be described as Stockholm syndrome as it is a prison.

When their faiths and beliefs are being challenged they throw tantrums and act like toddlers, really letting everyone know just how spiritually immature they really are and most of them will not allow themselves to experience cosmic consciousness as they are afraid of not being cared for, protected and parented by an imaginary sky daddy or sky mommy. If they truly understood what their prophets were trying to teach them they would agree with me, but their prophets message have gone truly unnoticed from all religious followers or they would no longer be religious, but spiritual and most of all sovereign. Are you ready to let go of the sandbox that is planetary consciousness and step into spiritual adulthood? Then practice letting go off your need for a Deity, your need for angels, archangels, ascended masters, spiritual teachers and even Gurus. Only when you let go of all the doctrines, all the rules, regulations and anal retentive belief systems, Only then can you find true spirituality, true spiritual sovereignty, also known as Cosmic Consciousness. Cosmic Consciousness can only be found past the firmament.

- Ulf Haukenes

If you want assistance in liberating yourself from Planetary consciousness, I would love to assist you in seeing where you are holding yourself back from Cosmic Consciousness. Schedule a session with me today and we will take an honest and deep look at your life, your programming and remove layers of trauma, programs, patterns and return you to

your divine blueprint, how you are intended for the dream of Gaia. Blessings to you on your path of awakening.

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kimberly mckinley
24 de out. de 2022

I am a fairly new follower and you just have this amazing way of putting things in more layman's terms...usually better way of explaining what I know but easier to share with or explain to have an amazing definitely have moved my world over and over when I read your stuff so thank you thank you

Ulf  Haukenes-Grey
Ulf Haukenes-Grey
12 de abr. de 2023
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That means the world to me, thank you for your comment and participation in our community, Blessings to you and your family.


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