Trauma Informed Kundalini Rebirthing
Ultimate Inner Child Healing. Alchemy. Empowerment. Healing
Service Description
Dear clients, I am deeply grateful to be able to hold you in this sacred space. I offer these services from a place of experience. As someone who comes from of a background of extreme abuse and trauma these practices have had a profound and positive impact on my life and It is my hope that they can do the same for you. With that being said having a hard life or childhood are not prerequisites and I believe anyone can benefit from rebirthing. These sessions are meant to empower you and facilitate you in tapping into your own innate wisdom, power and highest potential . In this session the participant is invited to meet and transform deeply ingrained subconscious and somatic blocks that are causing DIS-ease in their body, mind, spirit, and lives. In many ways it is the ultimate inner child healing as the participant is facilitated back down into the depths of their psyche and body in order to clear out and bring themselves back to a regulated state here and now. The client is often facilitated back into certain chapters of their lives for example in utero, their 7th year etc.… which is why we consider this process a form of inner child healing. What happens after you book a rebirthing session? An intake will be taken so that the rebirthing practice is designed to meet your individual needs. The session will vary depending on the practice I feel best suits your needs but may include movement, pranayama, mudra (hand and body gestures) and sound. Tools are often given before and after as well as personal reflections that the client can use as contemplation. Aftercare is vital to this process and how this will be carried out will be discussed in or before the session. There will be a period of time in which both Ulf and I will be available for contact to support in the processing of the experience. If you have any questions please reach out. I look forward to working with you! artwork: Deviant Art
Cancellation Policy
Unattended sessions still gets charged, cancellations must be made 72 hours prior to session.
Contact Details
Bergsveien 29, 3095 Eidsfoss, Norway