Lily Cat Schnell -
Really beautiful experience. I felt truly cared for and seen. I wish I could have recorded the session because Ulf and Mary are so beautiful and pure and their words a gift to listen to not to mention the value of the knowledge and experience they are coming from. I’m grateful for the session notes afterwards which will be helpful in maintaining the alchemy experienced. I noticed an immediate beautiful connection to my third eye and vision. It lifted my spirit I can say for sure. I also am noticing an immediate shift in my universe and am curious to see how this plays out. I would recommend Ulf and Mary to any one especially those who are looking for a genuine level up from experienced beings who just genuinely allow source to flow through them with a pure heart. I am thankful.
On a side note , quantum mechanics changed the worlds paradigm in a big way because it told us that energetic fields interact in a non local way. Among other revelations. This kind of energetics is definitely a testament to the magic of the unified field reality . Beautiful stuff.
Denise Gushue -
I would like to thank Ulf and Mary for the session I had with them. They gave me direction and tools to help me process some deep rooted patterns. It was also confirmation that I am on the right path of coming into my wholeness and acceptance of that wholeness, that is me.
Thank you
Sharon Miller -
It was beautiful to work and connect with you both. I'm practicing and already benefiting from the tools you having lovingly bestowed. So much gratitude for sharing your soul gifts Mary and Ulf
Ma Tu Ra -
I could not recommend this Rawthentic warriors brother work more than the darkness of night has stars. for he has been and admired do much through life and has come through what many would not of survived. his teaching and knowledge surpass the very foundations of time. If you truly open up to that which he has to share and offer, your hearts and souls will truly expand and listen . for knowledge in action is that which creates wisdom
Brandon Warnement -
It was good to reconnect with my good brother Ulf, and his new addition/ partner in crime Celestine they where radiating very nicely, making me sweat ahaha, but with there knowledge, inner standing the helped out alot, gave me some pointers cleared out some things that I knew was there but wasnt sure what it was, and gave me some vital tools to use to futher progress me in my journey, if you book a session I know youll love these two, they help you see what yah need right now to progress,open yourself up to a whole new world of healing, hold onto your seat for a ride ha!
Lauren Kiela Love -
Authentic, punctual, effective & transformative -
Rachel Anderson -
Once I came across Ulf’s articles & videos I was very intrigued & learned a lot from his awareness! You can tell right from the get go that he’s real and will tell you nothing but the truth. Working with Ulf was an amazing experience & he really helped shed some light on my own personal work that needs to be done. After working with Ulf, I felt great and ready to tackle my obstacles. Doing the inner work needed to heal yourself and create the life you want is not easy!! He’s an awesome person to have in your corner and hold you accountable. He offers authentic valuable insight that is extremely helpful. I guarantee that if you’re ready to change your life he’ll help you see the world & yourself differently!!
Kimberly Combs -
I had been working with Ulf and finally had the chance to work with both Mary and Ulf together this past week. I was having a huge crisis in my union and reached out to them for insight and healing for myself. I was so amazed at the non-judgmental and balanced aprroached they had. So intuitive to my situation with an instant connection, empathetic approach and very wise words. They listened and were and to evaluate what was going on in our dynamic. Everything just radiated from our 3 heart centers working together in the etheric realm. The energy work session was pretty awesome as Mary helped me see my true self and bring her into my field of consciousness to assist me with strength, healing and transmuting energies. Ulf assisted with his background knowledge from working with me in the past and together, they can really take a soul to places forgotten! I feel more open to self to allow in my life all things that I deserve while setting boundaries for things that do not serve my highest purpose! Truly a breakthrough in my personal growth!!! Highly recommend their work and so grateful. Thank you both so much!!!
Kristen Dicker -
I am very impressed with Ulf and how intuitive he is. He listens well, responds appropriately, and stays completely focused on the client. He has a lot of experience to draw on and can relate well to a person's pain. He can feel where energy is trapped and move it. I felt a lot of inner shifting occurring just hours after the session. I will be going back for some more because I can tell this is going to complement my healing very well. I HIGHLY recommend you give him a try. I am a true skeptic and Ulf really is powerful!
Jade F. Stone -
Compassionate, patient, understanding, a fun healer and guide that I love working with. He does wonders for all his clients!
Craig Cox -
Ok I have been working with Ulf for a little over 2 months now it's been really fun and has helped me so much. Within the first 2 sessions all my blocks were gone and I felt so much better more clear focused and grounded. Before the sessions I felt kinda lost and confused about things I was learning on top of just feeling down and sad and through working with Ulf I felt like me again. He answered a lot of questions I had and reconfirmed some of the things I felt and it has helped me a lot I'm so grateful he has came into my life I consider him family and learning from has been so much fun he has been teaching me reiki 1and 2 as well as other things he has also hooked me up with other mentors the have also helped me a lot I would recommend him to anyone on this type of journey. Love you Ulf it has been so much fun working with you brother.
Ronda Starkey -
I have been working a lot on my energy/inner self. I had a session with Ulf so he could connect with my energy and work on my meridians. He was amazing!! I was able to see the energy and the points he was working on. I had been working on healing my ankle and he picked up on that right away. I had told him nothing about it! He was able to clear the blockage left in that area. He also picked up on my right knee that sometimes give me pain. He cleared my knee of all blockages and I now have no pain at all!!! He was also able to validate that the healing I was doing on myself was also working. I could feel my energy being cleared and healed as he worked on me. A day or 2 after my session I would see him in my dream state. It's as if he was checking in on me!! I also want to say that I can be very introverted and talking to new people on Skype/phone can make me nervous but talking to Ulf was like talking to a old friend! He made me feel very much at ease. I will have another session with him in the future and I definitely recommend everyone having a session with him!!!!!
Legal Disclaimer
The purpose of this form is to explain to you what we can do for you and what you can expect. Our belief about healing is that each of us are their own healer; that healing comes primarily from within. We can assist you in your healing by doing various kinds of techniques, share our understanding of herbal alchemy and nutrition which will balance your mind, body and energy and enhance your sense of well-being. Among the techniques that we use are Meridian Energetics, Karuna Reiki, Kundalini Reiki healing by the laying on of hands through the Subtle Energy Consciousness System, the 12 chakra system and the meridian system which surrounds and interpenetrates the body.
The work can be in person or by long distance via skype or messenger and we will be able to tell you where energy is blocked in your body and help you to release these blocks. We may discuss the major stressors in your life, your belief systems, health history, your childhood and other issues that have an influence on your emotional and physical well-being.
These discussions will be kept confidential except: a) if and to the extent authorized by yourself. b) as required for my professional supervision where your name remains anonymous, and only to the extent necessary to achieve the purposes of the supervision. c) when disclosure is required to prevent clear and imminent danger to yourself or others. d) as required by law.
e) if we are defendants in a civil, criminal or disciplinary action arising from the client relationship (in which case client confidences may only be disclosed in the course if that action). At your written request or approval, and according to our capabilities, and good conscience, and professional judgment that I may I consult with your other healers, therapists, physicians and spiritual teachers as appropriate to maximize the benefits to yourself.
We are not physicians and therefore do not diagnose disease or prescribe drugs. Ulf is a Certified Meridian Energetics Practitioner and both Ulf And Mary are Reiki Master Teachers or Energy Medicine Therapists/Healers. At all times your healing is your responsibility. We are made available to be your partners in this process, your committed listeners, devoted confidants and facilitators of alchemy.
When an individual approaches us or one of our practitioners for assistance it is important that the following must be understood:
acknowledgement of of an issue or difficulty that must be overcome and in doing so that change can only be achieved with and individual who has a total open mind and is willing to participate in the suggestions that are made in order to create that change.
that whether a client is visiting our office or any of our practitioners there is a proper mode of conduct, respect and behaviour.
that the modality is used to assist or complement what an individual is already doing to bring them into a healthier state of being. (exercise, diet, nutrition, meditation, supplements, massage, herbs)
that we make no guarantees or claims as to how long it takes an individual depending on their state of health to receive or feel benefits (some who are sensitive feel its effects immediately where others it can take up to 3-6 adjustments to feel a semblance of balance.
that the time during their visit and there after, a period of emotional, mental, or a physical healing crisis may occur.