Insecure Or Impeccable Intuition?
Trust in our relationships is what many struggle with, the biggest reason for our trust lacking, is our inability to be honest,...
Soul Connections - What is their purpose?
I seem to have an unconventional and non-traditional view on twin flames, soul mates and soul connections and so I would love to share my...
Conscious Dream Weavers Dream On
sacred connections more often than not from my experience starts out as a dream they both dream into reality, it is their greatest dream...
Alchemy - Radiance And Harmony Manual For The Adept Spiritual Seekers
An Alchemical Radiance And Harmony Manual For The Adept Spiritual Seekers: When we come out through our spiritual surrender after...
Sacred Union, Intimacy And Communication
Working with people in relationships and sacred unions, the one most prevalent thing I see that is destroying or sabotaging relationships...
The Evolution of Twin Flames 3.0 - The Living Blueprint Of Alchemy
The Evolution Of Twin Flames 3.0 In the early 1960's a lady in the new age community released information pertaining to the experience...
Spiritual Accountability, what is it?
photography: ulf haukenes What does it mean to be spiritually accountable? First and foremost, we will look at what is needed to be a...
The Seven Rules Of Paracelsus
THE SEVEN RULES OF PARACELSUS (For a successful alchemical process) Paracelsus (/ˌpærəˈsɛlsəs/; late 1493 – September 24, 1541), born...
The Emerald Formula - Alchemy Studies - The Great Work Of Dennis William Hauck
I would like to share some material by Dennis William Hauck, That I found in the alchemy study group a while back, that came back to me...