Twin Flames & The spiritual War On The Family Unit
How is the ongoing spiritual war on the family unit affecting the twin flame journey? For so long we have heard that the Twin Flame...

Awakening Cosmic Christ Consciousness
Achieving Cosmic Consciousness or Christ Consciousness, Krishna Consciousness means realizing that we are the cosmic mind, we are God...

One Minute Meditations
"When meditation is mastered, the mind is unwavering like the flame of a candle in a windless place."- Bhagavad Gita

Starseeds - Manifest Your Destiny
Most all of us have read about and seen countless videos about the law of attraction, since the secret came out both in book and video...

Twin Flames - There Is No Karma
One of the greatest misconceptions in the twin flame community is the belief system of karma and the idea that the twin flames have karma...

Twin Flames - The New Partnership Template
The greatest thing we can do in partnership is learn to understand that women are ruled by estrogen and men are ruled by testosterone. ...

Making It Through The Dark Night Of The Soul
After half a decade of being a Party Boy with the usual party favors, I entered the dark night of the soul in 2002. I felt like the world...

The Sexuality Of Twin Flames
The sexuality of Twin Flames is different than that of soul mates in many ways. Due to the shared higher self, tantra comes very easy to...

Twin Flames - How We Manifest Union
In this article we will dive deep into how we co-create our sacred unions with our energy, belief systems and not to say the least, our...

Twin Flames - Out Of The Struggle And Into The Second Bubble Love Phase
As Twin Flames, one of the greatest questions we ask is, how do we make it back to the high vibrations and deep love of the bubble love...

Divine Feminine Embodiment
Divine Feminine embodiment is truly angelic energy. More than her beauty, her curves and physical presence. It's her embodied Christ...

Sexuality and Immortality
When Orgasm no longer is the main goal of your intimacy, But the deep connectedness experienced from slowing down until you're hardly...

Harmonization Of Twin Flames In Radiance
There is a way in which I have learned to trace the ego in both partners and how it quickly causes imbalance and disharmony with simply...