Twin Flames & The spiritual War On The Family Unit
How is the ongoing spiritual war on the family unit affecting the twin flame journey? For so long we have heard that the Twin Flame...
Awakening Cosmic Christ Consciousness
Achieving Cosmic Consciousness or Christ Consciousness, Krishna Consciousness means realizing that we are the cosmic mind, we are God...
Starseeds - Manifest Your Destiny
Most all of us have read about and seen countless videos about the law of attraction, since the secret came out both in book and video...
Twin Flames - The New Partnership Template
The greatest thing we can do in partnership is learn to understand that women are ruled by estrogen and men are ruled by testosterone. ...
Twin Flames - How We Manifest Union
In this article we will dive deep into how we co-create our sacred unions with our energy, belief systems and not to say the least, our...
Are You In Control Of Your Mind?
We live in a holographic reality created by our thoughts, imagination, belief systems and ideas, this literally means that we will not...
The 12 Chakra System - Evolution Of Mankind Into Galactic Humans
There are many 12 chakra systems online and most all of them are misinformation, like most information in the spiritual community. The 12...
The Alchemy Process Towards 2020
I fear not the dark feminine, I meet her in the darkness and sit with her in her storms, breathing deep. I fear not death and the void, I...
The Evolution of Twin Flames 3.0 - The Living Blueprint Of Alchemy
The Evolution Of Twin Flames 3.0 In the early 1960's a lady in the new age community released information pertaining to the experience...
The Emerald Formula - Alchemy Studies - The Great Work Of Dennis William Hauck
I would like to share some material by Dennis William Hauck, That I found in the alchemy study group a while back, that came back to me...