Twin Flames - The Power Struggle
The famous alchemical axiom, As Above, So Below, simply means, What goes up must come down. What is created in the higher dimensions...

Twin Flames Bringing Harmony To Gaia
Co-Creating a harmonious sacred union demands your highest awareness, your utmost presence and accountability. It is a completely...

Twin Flames - The Bubble Love Phase
Twin Flames or Ascension Partners is a state of experiencing mystical love beyond what is known as traditional relationships. The two...

Sacred Union & Divine Partnership
Sacred Union & Divine Partnerships Sacred union and Divine partnerships are the new templates for love and relationships being ushered in...

Twin Flames - As The Template Evolves
As the template evolves many of us come to find the old twin flame belief system as first presented by Elizabeth Claire Prophet in the...

The Art Of Foreplay
Sea Of Feelings — PALETTE KNIFE Figure Oil Painting On Canvas By Leonid Afremov The Art Of Foreplay WARNING *Sexually Explicit Content*...

Are You Ready To Live From Blueprint?
Meridian Energetics ® - The Key To Healing With Higher Self In this article we will look at the etheric body and how it is the key to...

From Soul To Body To Embodied Soul
As souls we float in the center of the source we belong to, we do not all originate from the same source, or even the same universe, as...

The Living Blueprint Of Alchemy
The Living Blueprint Of Alchemy - A Study of The Twin Flame Experience By: Ulf Haukenes - The Soul Alchemist. Soul to Soul Connections,...

How To Cultivate Your Partner's Intuition
To cultivate your partner's intuition would be the opposite of narcissism. In this connection I am experiencing something I always missed...

The Empath And Narcissist Delusion
I remember entering the spiritual community, back then most of us thought we were deities, archangels, angels and REALLY special. Well,...