Kundalini Awakening - The Process
Kundalini Awakening, What is it? Why does it happen? Kundalini Energy actually starts in the center of Gaia, in the heart of Gaia, where...
The Light Side Of Psychedelic Spirituality
The Light Side Of Psychedelic Spirituality We live in a time of shamanic awakening on planet earth were the many will eventually at some...
The Dark Side Of Psychedelic Spirituality
We live in a society of cultural programming, or what Terrence McKenna called the collective psychosis, where children and youth are...
Modern Day Mental Health Crisis
I grew up in a typical norwegian coastal city, where american culture was more a part of our programming and conditioning than norwegian...
Get Out Of The Dark Ages - Collective Psychosis
As souls we enter this planet as round, formless beings, completely void of programming, conditioning, ideology, belief systems and from...