Know Thyself
KNOW THY SELF… how about we start small … STOP LYING TO YOURSELF. As we evolve we are faced with adversities which seem in some moments...

The Light Side Of Psychedelic Spirituality
The Light Side Of Psychedelic Spirituality We live in a time of shamanic awakening on planet earth were the many will eventually at some...

The Dark Side Of Hay House
Welcome to an enlightening journey into Hay House, what I thought to be a wonderful, spiritual publishing company with good spiritual...

Holistic Mental Health For The Golden Age
California, MoonStone Beach, Humboldt County 2017. Photo: Chazelle Owens I present to you all, my life's work, my book on how I healed...

Modern Day Mental Health Crisis
I grew up in a typical norwegian coastal city, where american culture was more a part of our programming and conditioning than norwegian...