Twin Flames - There Is No Karma
One of the greatest misconceptions in the twin flame community is the belief system of karma and the idea that the twin flames have karma...

Twin Flames - The Power Struggle
The famous alchemical axiom, As Above, So Below, simply means, What goes up must come down. What is created in the higher dimensions...

Kundalini Awakening - The Process
Kundalini Awakening, What is it? Why does it happen? Kundalini Energy actually starts in the center of Gaia, in the heart of Gaia, where...

Holistic Mental Health For The Golden Age
California, MoonStone Beach, Humboldt County 2017. Photo: Chazelle Owens I present to you all, my life's work, my book on how I healed...

Emotional Healing Through Breathing
Can you invoke your own anger and not react? Can you let anger flow through you and keep your peace? So many invoke madness daily, but...