Twin Flames & The spiritual War On The Family Unit
How is the ongoing spiritual war on the family unit affecting the twin flame journey? For so long we have heard that the Twin Flame...

One Minute Meditations
"When meditation is mastered, the mind is unwavering like the flame of a candle in a windless place."- Bhagavad Gita

Starseeds - Manifest Your Destiny
Most all of us have read about and seen countless videos about the law of attraction, since the secret came out both in book and video...

Twin Flames - Depolarization Energy
In this article we are going to take a deeper look at depolarization of the masculine and feminine energy within the sacred partnerships...

Our Beloved Multidimensional Guardians
My beautiful familiar and Astral buddy Zorro, at Tjøme in Vestfold Norway 2012, using the lollipop as a microphone as we did an interview...

Are You Ready To Live From Blueprint?
Meridian Energetics ® - The Key To Healing With Higher Self In this article we will look at the etheric body and how it is the key to...

Becoming A New You
You are changing and guess what, people don't like it, most people are afraid of change. Even those closest to you will resist your...

How To Cultivate Your Partner's Intuition
To cultivate your partner's intuition would be the opposite of narcissism. In this connection I am experiencing something I always missed...

The Empath And Narcissist Delusion
I remember entering the spiritual community, back then most of us thought we were deities, archangels, angels and REALLY special. Well,...

Insecure Or Impeccable Intuition?
Trust in our relationships is what many struggle with, the biggest reason for our trust lacking, is our inability to be honest,...

Emotional Healing Through Breathing
Can you invoke your own anger and not react? Can you let anger flow through you and keep your peace? So many invoke madness daily, but...