One Minute Meditations
"When meditation is mastered, the mind is unwavering like the flame of a candle in a windless place."- Bhagavad Gita

Twin Flames - There Is No Karma
One of the greatest misconceptions in the twin flame community is the belief system of karma and the idea that the twin flames have karma...

Twin Flames - Out Of The Struggle And Into The Second Bubble Love Phase
As Twin Flames, one of the greatest questions we ask is, how do we make it back to the high vibrations and deep love of the bubble love...

Twin Flames - Depolarization Energy
In this article we are going to take a deeper look at depolarization of the masculine and feminine energy within the sacred partnerships...

Know Thyself
KNOW THY SELF… how about we start small … STOP LYING TO YOURSELF. As we evolve we are faced with adversities which seem in some moments...

Are You In Control Of Your Mind?
We live in a holographic reality created by our thoughts, imagination, belief systems and ideas, this literally means that we will not...

Twin Flames Bringing Harmony To Gaia
Co-Creating a harmonious sacred union demands your highest awareness, your utmost presence and accountability. It is a completely...

The 12 Chakra System - Evolution Of Mankind Into Galactic Humans
There are many 12 chakra systems online and most all of them are misinformation, like most information in the spiritual community. The 12...

The Alchemy Process Towards 2020
I fear not the dark feminine, I meet her in the darkness and sit with her in her storms, breathing deep. I fear not death and the void, I...

The Dark Side Of Psychedelic Spirituality
We live in a society of cultural programming, or what Terrence McKenna called the collective psychosis, where children and youth are...

Soul Alchemy - My Coagulation
Dear Soul family, clients and friends, I am at a place in my journey that seems rather raw, fresh and treading new ground, breaking...

Are You Ready To Live From Blueprint?
Meridian Energetics ® - The Key To Healing With Higher Self In this article we will look at the etheric body and how it is the key to...

From Soul To Body To Embodied Soul
As souls we float in the center of the source we belong to, we do not all originate from the same source, or even the same universe, as...