Twin Flames & The spiritual War On The Family Unit
How is the ongoing spiritual war on the family unit affecting the twin flame journey? For so long we have heard that the Twin Flame...

Twin Flames - There Is No Karma
One of the greatest misconceptions in the twin flame community is the belief system of karma and the idea that the twin flames have karma...

Twin Flames - The New Partnership Template
The greatest thing we can do in partnership is learn to understand that women are ruled by estrogen and men are ruled by testosterone. ...

Making It Through The Dark Night Of The Soul
After half a decade of being a Party Boy with the usual party favors, I entered the dark night of the soul in 2002. I felt like the world...

Twin Flames Bringing Harmony To Gaia
Co-Creating a harmonious sacred union demands your highest awareness, your utmost presence and accountability. It is a completely...

The Opal Children
There is what is known as the advent of the Opal children. These children manifest without time constraints. They are dreamers who dream...

The Living Blueprint Of Alchemy
The Living Blueprint Of Alchemy - A Study of The Twin Flame Experience By: Ulf Haukenes - The Soul Alchemist. Soul to Soul Connections,...

How To Cultivate Your Partner's Intuition
To cultivate your partner's intuition would be the opposite of narcissism. In this connection I am experiencing something I always missed...

Soul Connections - What is their purpose?
I seem to have an unconventional and non-traditional view on twin flames, soul mates and soul connections and so I would love to share my...

Conscious Dream Weavers Dream On
sacred connections more often than not from my experience starts out as a dream they both dream into reality, it is their greatest dream...

What the Divine Masculine really look for in a woman
I heard a woman today mention she found it hard to compete with the more prolific and Exhibitionistic women on social platforms fighting...

Sacred Union, Intimacy And Communication
Working with people in relationships and sacred unions, the one most prevalent thing I see that is destroying or sabotaging relationships...

The Evolution of Twin Flames 3.0 - The Living Blueprint Of Alchemy
The Evolution Of Twin Flames 3.0 In the early 1960's a lady in the new age community released information pertaining to the experience...